OH WHAT IS THIS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
1 Comments Published by Derrick on Saturday, May 30, 2009 at 4:10 AM.

OH WHAT IS THIS?!?!?!?!?!?

Yesterday was my one year anniversary with annberrylicious!!! Happy ONE year my dear! It's been a great year =] Thanks for being such a wonderful person and for really bringing a huge change in my life. You've brought me to such a better place and I'm so lucky to have you. <3
So I've been working with Jeff for awhile now (my boss). I haven't mentioned him here, but I started working for him during the summer and I have to say we've developed not only a great employer/employee relationship, but a really great friendship. I'm thankful every day he's given me the opportunity to assist him with his beautiful works and for also teaching me almost everything I have to know about photography. It's truly reshaped my thinking and interest and I have a better understanding of what I want to do. I'm also more confused than ever. It's complicated, but thanks Jeff! We're working on some top secret projects that will not be revealed for some time, but when we finish it's gonna blow everyone's minds away! Ah!
Check him out. He's freaking awesome.
By the way, I'm officially moving. I know I've said it many times before, but when I find the time (hopefully this winter) I'll be up and out!
Happy first day of summer!
So I got an apartment today! Hooray! I went to finalize things and to take pictures of the place (pictures I should have taken the first time around).

Steps going up!

Alex surveying the area. He looks like a ghey.

Living room.

Stairs leading up to the bedrooms.

Dave Woo likes it!

The bathroom.

The shower has two seats. Very convenient for Woo and I to watch each other lather and rinse.

Woos' room.

My room. A-bow-chika-bow-chika-bow-wow.


I really miss this girl... =[
So I got an apartment today! Hooray! I went to finalize things and to take pictures of the place (pictures I should have taken the first time around).

Steps going up!

Alex surveying the area. He looks like a ghey.

Living room.

Stairs leading up to the bedrooms.

Dave Woo likes it!

The bathroom.

The shower has two seats. Very convenient for Woo and I to watch each other lather and rinse.

Woos' room.

My room. A-bow-chika-bow-chika-bow-wow.


I really miss this girl... =[
So I think I found an apartment I really like today. It's two bedrooms, a bath with a kitchen and living room and TONS of closet space! I'm a little scared to commit because I know there are a lot of other options out there for me, but I mean seeing this place for the first time, it really surpassed my expectations. And isn't it that initial gut feeling that counts the most? I wish I had taken some pictures but whatever. It's a bit on the expensive side though so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we can reach some sort of agreement on Thursday. I really hope it all goes through, I really like the place.
I'm learning CSS on my own and Jeff lent me his book on html and xhtml which was really cool of him. Shit is hard. @_@ Hopefully I'll finish what I've started for once. I NEED HELP!
Woo! Free screening of Wanted tomorrow with Anne, Jeff, and Chu! Ew, I just killed a mosquito with my hands and the leg was twitching and shit. Delicious.
I'm learning CSS on my own and Jeff lent me his book on html and xhtml which was really cool of him. Shit is hard. @_@ Hopefully I'll finish what I've started for once. I NEED HELP!
Woo! Free screening of Wanted tomorrow with Anne, Jeff, and Chu! Ew, I just killed a mosquito with my hands and the leg was twitching and shit. Delicious.
So yeah, I've been making plans on moving to a new site. Gonna finally commit to a webhost and make my own webbiesite =] I've also got some other projects up my sleeves which I'm excited about. I just hope they really follow through.
If you want to find me this evening, I'll be here working for this. And if you're wondering, the internship is going well. It's given me a little more insight on what I want to do with my life. EXCITEMENT!
If you want to find me this evening, I'll be here working for this. And if you're wondering, the internship is going well. It's given me a little more insight on what I want to do with my life. EXCITEMENT!

Robert Rauschenberg. Bed. 1955. Combine painting: oil and pencil on pillow, quilt, and sheet on wood supports
One of my favorite artists passed away yesterday night at age 82. I remember sitting in my 20th century art class last year learning about his works and thought process. I sat there completely in awe. His works were so wonderful and spellbounding. He was a true pioneer in found materials and mixed media art working from the serious Abstract Expressionism to the less serious Pop Art and everything in between. Seeing his works in person was truly an experience for me.
Also, one of my most favorite plays of all time was written after his famous style of combines. Bob Rauschenberg America written by Charles Mee followed the hectic mix of different scenes and moments that was seen through Rauschenberg's feverish combination works.
Read his obit in the NYT. Learn about him here, here, and here.
"Being right can stop all the momentum of a very interesting idea.” - Bob
Photo via MoMA
Holy shnitzel it's been a long time! I know, I know, what the hell right? Well, I haven't forgotten about this blog. It's just been pretty hectic with me throughout my senior year and believe me, I've made several attempts to get started again but to no avail. But now since the semester is almost over and finals week has creeped its way into our daily lives, I find something from within compelling me to put something up.
I just took a good hard look at my blog before, and wow. I love it! I've forgotten how much work I've put into making this thing look the way I wanted (I like green =B). It involved a complete lack of html coding, a shitload of me not knowing what the hell I was doing, and a lot of trial and errors. Not too bad though right? Fuck me comparing this blog to the standards of Boing Boing or Neatorama or what have you.
I just took a good hard look at my blog before, and wow. I love it! I've forgotten how much work I've put into making this thing look the way I wanted (I like green =B). It involved a complete lack of html coding, a shitload of me not knowing what the hell I was doing, and a lot of trial and errors. Not too bad though right? Fuck me comparing this blog to the standards of Boing Boing or Neatorama or what have you.