Yesterday was my one year anniversary with annberrylicious!!! Happy ONE year my dear! It's been a great year =] Thanks for being such a wonderful person and for really bringing a huge change in my life. You've brought me to such a better place and I'm so lucky to have you. <3
So I've been working with Jeff for awhile now (my boss). I haven't mentioned him here, but I started working for him during the summer and I have to say we've developed not only a great employer/employee relationship, but a really great friendship. I'm thankful every day he's given me the opportunity to assist him with his beautiful works and for also teaching me almost everything I have to know about photography. It's truly reshaped my thinking and interest and I have a better understanding of what I want to do. I'm also more confused than ever. It's complicated, but thanks Jeff! We're working on some top secret projects that will not be revealed for some time, but when we finish it's gonna blow everyone's minds away! Ah!
Check him out. He's freaking awesome.
By the way, I'm officially moving. I know I've said it many times before, but when I find the time (hopefully this winter) I'll be up and out!